Meeting-man encounter Christ. Memoirs
What I hear you ask: How did woman have so much energy? What do you take? What pills? Hi, hi ...
Sometime in February this year they asked me where I take strength to live at such a pace and with such zeal, what I have? Well, the question was not at all difficult, that simply tell the reporter to the camera, that is my strength Jesus and the Eucharist (daily if possible) is already required some courage and trust the Holy Spirit. It is true that this topic appeared in the reportage, but looking the reaction nagłośnieniowca cameraman and I knew that "the Word is living and active" and somewhere in the heart was sown. Handshake at the end, look, "I am very impressed with what you said and what you do with her husband" is enough to thank you for this team to the Lord. There is no case in meetings with people. There are no cases in the lives of Christians. Every man, whom I recognize, is placed by God. How beautifully said Fr. Zbyszek Sawmill focus on our day: "The day in which there is growth in love for another human being, is the day wasted. Love it converts. Meeting-man encounter Christ. "Now, having in view the invitation to the City Style Women's TVN has once again been thinking what it would meant that I was invited to the ordinary man-gray instead of" world ":) Willingness to travel had . Unfortunately, it so happened that my husband is sick, in my work zapieprz that we do not know my name (probably the end of the year looks like anywhere) and had a nice lady refuse to participate in the program. But nothing lost, because I have the opportunity to arrival in March '11 the next edition. Do not run out into the future, what will happen in March or it will be. One thing is certain:
in my life there are no accidents! This love inspires me and gives power and only for a love worth living! ps. historical pictures. That day will not forget for life. 30/06/2009 in Matemblewie when I opened his heart to Jesus and he came alive, and looked at the world and itself completely new eyes. I found the meaning of my life. Jesus is alive! "Seek-and ye shall find. Knock and the door will be opened, ask and you shall receive."