7.45 hours died Ronnie James Dio. Creator of Rainbow and a worthy successor to Ozzy in Black Sabbath (Heaven and Hell now.) One of my favorite singers, and the best vocals in the next O. BS.
Few people know that it was he who invented a "devil" you see in the picture above.
suffered from stomach cancer in 2009 and unfortunately lost the fight shortly after the release of Heaven and Hell and from touring. He had to play, inter alia, in Prague and Bucharest in June this year.
I'm very sorry, because this is a first for many years the death of the music that touched me so hard, because Ronnie was associated with a team that is my life the most important.
those who are not familiar with his work I highly recommend both discs recorded with Sabbathami, as well as those recorded from the Rainbow.
's moving letter he wrote Lars Ulrich (Metallica's drummer) after the death of Dio
I just came down from the stage in Zagreb and learned that you died. I am shocked, but I want you to know that you were one of the main reasons why I took up music. For the first time I saw you with Elf when supportowaliście Deep Purple in 1975. Struck me the power of your voice and your stage image, confidence and ease with which nawiązywałeś contact with six thousands of Danes and one hypnotized 11-year-old, most of whom did not know the music Elf. A year later, went crazy with joy when I learned that you joined forces with one of my favorite guitarists. Brzmieliście perfectly and was the biggest fan of Rainbow in Denmark. In autumn 1976, when you played the first concert in Copenhagen, literally stood in the first place, several times and when you looked into my eyes, made me feel like the most important man in the world. Somehow I learned that we spend a night in town, so I went into the Plaza, in the hope that I can get some pictures, autographs, whatever. A few hours later came out, you were so nice and friendly - pictures, autographs, a few minutes conversation. I was glad, full of inspiration, ready for anything. Rainbow came to Copenhagen a few times and each time I was delighted. Over the three years it was my favorite band. Later, I was lucky enough to have met you several times, always been as nice and friendly, as it was under the hotel in 1976. When we finally had the opportunity to share the stage in Austria in 2007, although it may have not showed, literally felt like a little kid again, which zainspirowałeś 31 years earlier. It was a hell of a great honor and a dream that I could share this scene with you and the rest of Heaven & Hell . A few weeks ago I learned that, however, will not accompany us during the Sonisphere festival, which begins in June. I wanted to call to wish you health, but got cold feet, thinking that the last you need to answer calls from a Danish drummer / fan. Now I regret I did not call. We will miss you during these concerts, we will be thinking of you and remember you during the tour. Ideally you fit in our Big Four, especially since you were one of the main reasons for which these bands are generally formed. During those two weeks, you will be roasting ears, because we remember and tell each other stories about how you made friends with our lives better. Ronnie, Your voice gave me strength, Your music inspired me, and Thy kindness touched. Thank you.
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