This book hurt and the pain of history starts from the cover, the photograph of a small child, holding in his hands a piece of bread.
Author describes World War II from the perspective of a pediatrician. His work begins in 1940 in the hospital. Berson and Bauman in the Warsaw ghetto. There, as young woman without much experience meets the incredible suffering of tiny creatures, but with their wisdom, which is not spodziewaĆaby after children.
describes a conversation with us a little Rivka, who upon learning that her sister was dead replied that yes it is: Man has to cook and clean up, and time is not enough to ensure the child.
also heard conversations of children who are fully aware of the fact that they could die at any moment and know that the nurses and doctors do not come to them, because they are afraid of that.
History is told in a rather chaotic, not least because Ms. Adina waited a long time describing their memories, hoping that you forget that it was gone like a bad dream, but not gone. And we should, out of respect for these wonderful people with a good heart, learn about the history and try to understand what reason hard to understand.
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