silly to admit, but until recently claimed that the series of books about Harry is for children and adolescents, and adults how to impress her with them is something not right. I remember 9-10 years ago, I read them, but now? It is no exaggeration.
Before the holidays I met a friend and while talking about books appeared on Harry, and membership in that I wanted to move back into this world. Timidly asked her to borrow all my parts and I do not regret, because it continues to produce in me the same feel as before, when I read the first three parts.
In this part of Harry and his friends solve the mystery of the Chamber of Secrets, about which no one wants to talk because of the events of fifty years. Their motivation is driven by the fact that the victims of attacks mysterious monster fall close to the people.
book reads easily, quickly and pleasantly, but a horribly annoying: the figure of Gilderoy Lockhart. He was one of the main characters in this story, so angry was greater the more the arrogant in itself, vain man he appeared.
I'm going to read all the parts, but it probably will take some time, because of their thickness just read them at night before bedtime.
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