First the praise:)
My blog is two years old and this is the first of several blogs that I had, which run as long and hard, but I do not write as often as I would have wished.
I hope that I will continue to write here, and it is highly probable, probably because the books I will not stop reading when I'm doing it for 11 years without interruption.
not told me anything, and even a little discouraged because I smacked a strange fantasy. Title? Some strange word formation. The name of the author? Still nothing. Time to go to the description on the back cover. But here also there - just mention that the positive character can not be found there.
started So read a little in the dark and luckily, he could lose a lot, if I discouraged put down a book on the shelf.
hard for me to say what kind of genre. This combination of thriller and fantasy adventure novel with a huge dose of humor.
There is no one main character. There are few, and their fates combined Malokkio (evil eye) - a book of a new religious movement, who expected their messiah. Learning
29-year-old Daria, whose life, to put it mildly, not very colorful, because she is lonely and what move meets with uszczypliwymi comments friends people. Learning also
Marina and her servant Szczurowatego who are looking for a messiah, following the instructions Malokkio, as well as my beloved heroes of the book - Irenaeus, and St. Francis - two homeless people caught up in the whole affair.
I quote here a passage that describes them, because I read it several times, laughing under his breath.
"Irene made a bald face and podłubał wise in your ear. Not quite understand the bearded, but had already learned that if we ask him twice, usually understood as two times less. This Francis was from thinking he could at best be addressed by acquiring food, and even with this privilege is rarely used. Not so chose the status Menel to now force myself to anything. Only in what he wanted was a piece of dry ground. Without it, however, he felt a little too much homeless "
one word I would recommend wielbicielkom funny dialogues, too complicated forms, and various puzzles. Really a pleasure to read, which I never have looked because at the library, or bookstores.