Do not judge a book by its cover? It is the cover made it for her I reached - slightly convex, a star painted on the background of Russian letters. The only thing it does not play an American name, which caused me some concern in comparison with the title of the book. And a little bit right.
is a story about archivist - Duborowie Paul, who by necessity takes a job in the Lubyanka. Must organize the files captured writers, and when no longer needed to burn them. It is not easy for him, because he was a lecturer in literature at the Kirov Academy, and its a great lover. This is a story about the omnipresent fear of each other, with family and friends, but still full of understatements on many issues, which leaves one unsatisfied.
advantage of the book is that we know exactly every sense of Paul's story of his family and friends, but unfortunately it hurts too superficial touching theme of communism in the USSR, and also share the same space-Lubyanka. I expected this a little more, and meanwhile the author mentions only the Pact Ribbentrop - Molotov pact, attacked the Third Reich in Poland and the lack of response in the USSR. It seems to me that the very subject of the book forces a more accurate outline socio-political reality.
book I'm not thrilled, but I can not to say that I definitely did not like. Surely this is not a book to which he wants to come back.
PS I would forget about the most important, what gave me this book! Paul Duborow is a big fan of Chekhov, he cites one of his stories ("Gooseberries"), which reminded me how I liked "The Death of officer." He immediately borrowed a book of short stories.
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