Saturday, May 28, 2011
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Kataryna of bublu Senate Bolandy
THX is Jenny, I came across blogasa Kataryna, I have not visited, and there :
THX is Jenny, I came across blogasa Kataryna, I have not visited, and there :
To be funny, but nothing in this funny, unfortunately, the law does not prohibit the creation of a foster family home or carrying a child to a person with pedophile tendencies. I'm not kidding. There is no ban, similar to that for homosexuals, the same tendencies (propensities, not acts) so do not exclude a pedophile, but gay - yes. Stupid and unfair. And by the way unconstitutional, so let them be a success while Kaleta nacieszy can, because the statute in such a shape no chance.This means two things:
- buractwo bolandzkiego Senate is gargantuan, and see them all out
- may have less trouble than one might think. Since even prawactwo gargantuizm buractwa sees that allowed the Senate bolandzki se, the real problem that the OP will get out of a village piarowo Hardware procurement that the parliamentary and the elderly. PIS does not have this problem - czerwonoburaczana of Italy is an element of the party, it is not so with which to translate.
Letters On Community Service
highest standards. Torture
Pope closed the convent, because she was a dancer turned into nuns gave Shol it. So the dancing is enough reason to close the monastery and the monks to disperse. Question: How many gatherings, church and other such facilities which are the habitat and the node pedofilnej horror was on that basis resolved and liquidated? Probably zero.
Pope closed the convent, because she was a dancer turned into nuns gave Shol it. So the dancing is enough reason to close the monastery and the monks to disperse. Question: How many gatherings, church and other such facilities which are the habitat and the node pedofilnej horror was on that basis resolved and liquidated? Probably zero.
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Essentially, when during a discussion on the issue of abortion rights call prolajfowców "murderers of women and supporters of torture," I treat it as a rhetoric which is simply a mirror image of the confused arguments defenders of the dignity of the camp blastula, and Gastrula morul. However, Strasbourg Court has treated Polish criminal practices consciences violations and destruction of women's bodies for actual violations of laws prohibiting torture and degrading treatment.
Essentially, when during a discussion on the issue of abortion rights call prolajfowców "murderers of women and supporters of torture," I treat it as a rhetoric which is simply a mirror image of the confused arguments defenders of the dignity of the camp blastula, and Gastrula morul. However, Strasbourg Court has treated Polish criminal practices consciences violations and destruction of women's bodies for actual violations of laws prohibiting torture and degrading treatment.
time passed, RR was already in 23 week of pregnancy. In desperation I checked into the emergency room and asked for tests that were performed. The results of waiting two weeks. Confirmed Turner's syndrome. Reported in its local hospital request for an abortion. Not answered. By the second. Then replied: it's too late, because it is in the 24th week, so the fetus is capable of independent living and abortion would be contrary to law. She was born a sick daughter. Her husband left her, leaving with three children.
Boland's just.
PS: the fact that she drew only 65 thousand. gold from all the rags, which I, of course, it also harmed by the scandal. If we had a practice awards of equitable compensation, and one of the other lekarzyna whether the hospital would get a million-dollar bills - once from the red and white heads wyparowałyby moronic thoughts about the "conscience clause." Fucking hypocrites - all sure, and so for 3000 without wyskrobałby batting an eye and 9-month fetus - in the ideological compensation szarostrefowej wsteczności Bolandii.
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What Johnny does not learn ...
A man can indeed deprive the pants to show him indecent pictures and wait for, basically passive, response, but no longer a lesbian poses physiological problems, because you would have to resort to more advanced methods, by far the more money.there is a lot more interesting things.
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Being a teenager sucks ... Coming Out
In Boland's still quite a virtual issues, but in communities clearly liberalization (such as U.S.) appears to be an increasingly urgent problem. On one hand, growing acceptance of minorities, on the other - it seems that teenagers are getting worse. In one of the stories included in the project zalinkowanego before I can read:
In Boland's still quite a virtual issues, but in communities clearly liberalization (such as U.S.) appears to be an increasingly urgent problem. On one hand, growing acceptance of minorities, on the other - it seems that teenagers are getting worse. In one of the stories included in the project zalinkowanego before I can read:
I still get harassed, and I've even been threatened to be Hanged, but me coming to terms with who I was meant That it's not my problem . If you do not like it, Than it's your problem. I hear the words "fagot" and "queer" on a daily basis, but I would not have changed my mind for anything. I've joined a church accepts everyone That, I'm a very religious boy, and I even have a date with someone. Being a teenager sucks, but accepting myself Seemed to brighten the spectrum. I can honestly say without a doubt, it does get better.Well, I'm afraid that to some extent this is unavoidable and has little to do with homophobia as such. Being a teenager sucks, and the outsiders of any kind are przekichane simply because niepasowania to the environment. The more people will talk openly about his sexuality - this will often fall victim to the rejection by virtue of being a minority as such - the kids just subspołecznościach.
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Friday, May 27, 2011
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teacher from the orphanage: Rule No. 1 - here the child is not counted in the grass sunbathing
"Reprinted from tokfm.pl :
"Reprinted from tokfm.pl :
- Psychological violence consists of" I'll prove who has the power here. " On the abuse. On the breach of privacy. The facility is easy. Children's homes are holding their greatest treasures in their beds. Under the guise of moving is getting kipisz child in bed, without his consent and knowledge. He comes back and is no longer his corner, beds, their treasures. It generally does not count in this situation - says Michael, a teacher in an orphanage.
After the publication of a moving conversation with Andrew, a graduate of homes, reported to us, Michael, two years working in an orphanage in Pomerania. He decided to tell how it looks from his perspective, institutional upbringing.
Anna Wacławik-Orpik: What happens to a child who goes to an orphanage?
Michael, 32, a teacher in an orphanage in Pomerania: - This is horrible altered sense of security. Sometimes a child wails in the night, soaked, crying mother. It is frightened by noise, so many new people at once. Children often run away from touch, the contact from any interactions. There are those who say simply, "I have you in the ass", are aggressive or very depressed. Other early easily fall within the peer group. A child playing, thinking it was such colonies. Only after a while begins to him that anyone close to here there is a colony does not end. There are also children who desperately need a contact, they want to cuddle.
But the worst, as children do not come home, but emergency care. It's a disaster.
Anna Wacławik-Orpik: What happens to a child who goes to an orphanage?
Michael, 32, a teacher in an orphanage in Pomerania: - This is horrible altered sense of security. Sometimes a child wails in the night, soaked, crying mother. It is frightened by noise, so many new people at once. Children often run away from touch, the contact from any interactions. There are those who say simply, "I have you in the ass", are aggressive or very depressed. Other early easily fall within the peer group. A child playing, thinking it was such colonies. Only after a while begins to him that anyone close to here there is a colony does not end. There are also children who desperately need a contact, they want to cuddle.
But the worst, as children do not come home, but emergency care. It's a disaster.
More tokfm.pl .
Gentital Depilatories
Seriously speaking PL_taliban entering your outrageous law can not be much harm Polish LGB. In the sense - how to check? Of course, I can imagine that some percentage of people can be destroyed under the law of personal hostility, but as such you will have a problem with enforcing this provision. Just as, sooner or later will have trouble finding pieniążków for those who have enough desire and determination to this stinking bublu earn boring processes in the relevant tribunals.
But the law is highly damaging to the Poles in general. Nothing distinguishes us from most countries mirrors the likes of Lithuania. To be a Pole and say, "I am proud of his country se," it means to be a dick without a bit of shame. The situation is ripe for this to be just ashamed of Polish culture - at least until this stain in the form of fascistic influence freaks on the right will not be washed away.
went back culturally and ethically to the days of the campaign against the Jews under communism. It's just sad. I guess I will now simply admonished anyone in my presence to betray some signs of complacency arising from membership in this community that accepts such disgusting behavior of its political class.
Seriously speaking PL_taliban entering your outrageous law can not be much harm Polish LGB. In the sense - how to check? Of course, I can imagine that some percentage of people can be destroyed under the law of personal hostility, but as such you will have a problem with enforcing this provision. Just as, sooner or later will have trouble finding pieniążków for those who have enough desire and determination to this stinking bublu earn boring processes in the relevant tribunals.
But the law is highly damaging to the Poles in general. Nothing distinguishes us from most countries mirrors the likes of Lithuania. To be a Pole and say, "I am proud of his country se," it means to be a dick without a bit of shame. The situation is ripe for this to be just ashamed of Polish culture - at least until this stain in the form of fascistic influence freaks on the right will not be washed away.
went back culturally and ethically to the days of the campaign against the Jews under communism. It's just sad. I guess I will now simply admonished anyone in my presence to betray some signs of complacency arising from membership in this community that accepts such disgusting behavior of its political class.
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browsing the fejsbukowy Pitchfork album of the said festival. At the individual pictures (except the first, k † Ore polubiło dozen people) from time to time some "Laika" or even comment, since Christmas two Laika. Even with such tuzach as Grinderman. And suddenly taken lajkami of 11 (at 18:32). Why I'm not surprised, ha ha ha ...
browsing the fejsbukowy Pitchfork album of the said festival. At the individual pictures (except the first, k † Ore polubiło dozen people) from time to time some "Laika" or even comment, since Christmas two Laika. Even with such tuzach as Grinderman. And suddenly taken lajkami of 11 (at 18:32). Why I'm not surprised, ha ha ha ...
Thursday, May 26, 2011
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Very nice comment on blogasie Teluk :
And yet, perhaps not so far met with such a simple and customs' development of "reasoning faszyzującego Frondy boss. Boszemuj, I feel a real shame that I, for example, just to head it never occurred thinking in terms of a downward spiral grown used to the filth of the # prawicowychzaburzen. But on the other hand, may simply deviant forms so I think they are just too strange? I had about myself really worse sentence ...
Very nice comment on blogasie Teluk :
Are you really sure that the age of twenty or thirty "Gazeta Wyborcza" is not ready to serve you the harrowing story of a young marriage, who must struggle with his grandfather, what is drooling and whose life no longer make sense? And there is not then an "ethics" will be assured that your best option?
good, dramatic, intellectually honest question. That I have a question isometric: since today "Fronde" is opposed to the trade partner, is whether we can be sure that in ten years will call for concentration camps for the pedals, forced "treatment" and / or extermination? Can not you see what it leads ?!??! 1!?
See? Not only you placed hysterical. In fact, it is not very sophisticated rhetorical maneuver, four children can do it.
And yet, perhaps not so far met with such a simple and customs' development of "reasoning faszyzującego Frondy boss. Boszemuj, I feel a real shame that I, for example, just to head it never occurred thinking in terms of a downward spiral grown used to the filth of the # prawicowychzaburzen. But on the other hand, may simply deviant forms so I think they are just too strange? I had about myself really worse sentence ...
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About Women for Women-A Thousand Splendid Suns
"A Thousand Splendid Suns" is a book well known among bloggers and widely praised. After this I like to go, especially since the details of the situation of Muslim women knew very little.
This is the story of two different women. Mariam - illegitimate child and serving the rich. He lives alone with his mother in terrible conditions and has no chance to acquire education. My father seems to her husband at a young age for podstarzałego man just would not have lived with him and his wives after the death of his mother.
Lajla a girl from a different environment - her father, mother and respects him very keen on the fact that the daughter was trained. Unfortunately, their family is no longer the same when the two brothers Lajli killed during the war.
These two seemingly different women in all age, national origin, dreams, but their fates intertwined because of one man-Rashid - cruel man who is alien to respect for women.
Events are supported by historical background of-war in Afghanistan in the 70's, the Governments of the communists, then the Taliban, then the events after 2001, which further enriched my perception of the book.
I think this novel that every woman should read-a very moving, sometimes shocking, and describing to us what our culture has no place: helpless women, who on his side do not have anyone, not even justice.
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can not listen to two times the same song
for a moment I wondered what technical breakthroughs have been important in the development of music. Instruments. Tabs. Notation. Media recorded (against turntables, LPs, CDs, MP3 files).
started live and uniquely . People gather around a musician / musicians and listened. Once the audience was certainly also the creator - she sang and danced.
Tabs allow for the first time capture the music - it escaped from the shackles of brains of musicians, media practices and by direct teaching. Musical notation has gone "abstraktyzację" music much further - even said that it learned its introduction Europeans are thinking about music in terms of ideal, excess material reality of eternal objects-works. But even if music affected the listeners through performances - always the other, sometimes better, sometimes worse, but the variables of living, to some extent unpredictable. This "model" of classical music: the composer-recording-artist-work performance.
registration techniques that remove the organic component, or, rather, it froze. Composer-recording-artist-work-performance recording. For decades, we think about music in dual categories. We have concerts, we have recorded.
since this is not a technical progress that the division had a longer maintained.
first met some application (RjDj) which, using ambient sounds and some built-in structure / user interaction created a sound, usually ambient collages. Then I heard, inter alia, the ambitious plans of Björk Biophilia.
Today I read about a new interesting thing - apparently the first song released in the new format Bronze . I will not detail - briefly the idea is that instead of concrete, solid song writing to reach you in the form of applications, which is reconstituted at each other. So, he tries to restore some aspect of live performances - novelty, unpredictability.
That up the first song is Flesh Freeze - a pretty cool track (wait, pretty cool trap ...). If you have flour (and thus belong to the 15% of the fortunate readers of the blog) you can download it here . Indeed, each time is different.
for a moment I wondered what technical breakthroughs have been important in the development of music. Instruments. Tabs. Notation. Media recorded (against turntables, LPs, CDs, MP3 files).
started live and uniquely . People gather around a musician / musicians and listened. Once the audience was certainly also the creator - she sang and danced.
Tabs allow for the first time capture the music - it escaped from the shackles of brains of musicians, media practices and by direct teaching. Musical notation has gone "abstraktyzację" music much further - even said that it learned its introduction Europeans are thinking about music in terms of ideal, excess material reality of eternal objects-works. But even if music affected the listeners through performances - always the other, sometimes better, sometimes worse, but the variables of living, to some extent unpredictable. This "model" of classical music: the composer-recording-artist-work performance.
registration techniques that remove the organic component, or, rather, it froze. Composer-recording-artist-work-performance recording. For decades, we think about music in dual categories. We have concerts, we have recorded.
since this is not a technical progress that the division had a longer maintained.
first met some application (RjDj) which, using ambient sounds and some built-in structure / user interaction created a sound, usually ambient collages. Then I heard, inter alia, the ambitious plans of Björk Biophilia.
Today I read about a new interesting thing - apparently the first song released in the new format Bronze . I will not detail - briefly the idea is that instead of concrete, solid song writing to reach you in the form of applications, which is reconstituted at each other. So, he tries to restore some aspect of live performances - novelty, unpredictability.
That up the first song is Flesh Freeze - a pretty cool track (wait, pretty cool trap ...). If you have flour (and thus belong to the 15% of the fortunate readers of the blog) you can download it here . Indeed, each time is different.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
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If anyone thought that the UK is the wildest country in Europe (haha, we all know that Lithuania is worse) - Malta discussed legalization of divorce. Yes. Civilization Death is not there yet managed to do to begin to destroy the family - only now referndum may be able to get the first bastions of the backward, anachronistic form of social life ...
If anyone thought that the UK is the wildest country in Europe (haha, we all know that Lithuania is worse) - Malta discussed legalization of divorce. Yes. Civilization Death is not there yet managed to do to begin to destroy the family - only now referndum may be able to get the first bastions of the backward, anachronistic form of social life ...
Tuesday, May 24, 2011
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do not complain of boredom
Attention! Warning! Crazy Love is still working! Not for one moment does not rest!
So much has happened over time, when I did not write that I do not know whether I will be able to catch up. I will start fresh. A few days ago we spent a charming popłudnie with my parents, who live in a village near the woods. The weather shone the sun, which I am very thirsty, and of which so little from us. He made a few pics cell. Oliver now has longer hair-according to me it looks just lovely wtakich longer. Casper also ventures.
Kacper Oliver went crazy with the grass. I must admit that my dad cares about your pot, which always makes an impression of freshly trimmed without gram of weed.
Besides we had the whole series of birthday: Julia started, then the favorite cousin Adrian, then had me, then Milo. Currently, close to my mother's birthday, then Johnny (as early as 30 May). In the meantime, we were on the First Holy Communion. my godson.
* Somewhere in the middle of all that took place on a retreat, which I wrote earlier. Holy time of repentance and prayer for many (about 780 people a trifle), which was for me a very difficult time. Briefly describe: the day just before the retreat of the Word of God we were Wandzin-Center for persons addicted to alcohol and drugs to HIV-we used prayer and singing during Mass. with a prayer for healing. There were no indications that this is already afternoon when rozkładalismy with the equipment in the Hall, which was held in August These great retreat from the Word of God, I lose my voice. For me personally it was a shock, because two days earlier in prayer have been thinking myself, what is most precious to me, from which it would give me the hardest. Well wydumałam that family and z. .. voice, which is the most praying, singing in a band. I remember that when Jesus said that everything he gave me, so I want everything as I can take it. There really is not mine-only data from Him. Frankly, I did not expect such a quick response. Well i took my voice. For me it was a blow indeed to the rest team as well. Throughout the three days of retreat could not extricate himself word-nothing. First, I was so sad that you still want me to cry-moreover, did not hesitate a cry in the corner of grief. But then it occurred to me that my Lord has done a great favor. He showed that He is Lord and without him it's just I can cluck, and in fact you even cluck I could not, because without him, I just do not exist. Everything is grace. My whole life depends on Boga.On gives and takes as his own. So spokorniałam little by the experience. Now I is all right with my voice, but I realize that this situation can only be temporary and do not have to get used to anything.
* a retreat just before the Word of God (which I wrote a little above) got a gift 4 days for myself and I could go to the School Kartuz charisms which led Damian Stayne - Founder community "Cor et Lumen Christi" (The Heart and Light of Christ), which is a Catholic charismatic community ±-contemplative. It was a crazy time of God's love to people who do not skąpił nothing and gave it a whole ocean of graces. Healed, and healing every disease possible. Time of discovery of charisms, which are all believers in Christ. Maybe someone interested witness Tom Janicki, this is for me the way a person spiritually, because personally I have become a tool in the hands of God holding his hand to his ear and praying for him przymnożenia experienced grace of faith and trust in God's providence and mercy, and how Jesus acts by those who "have not seen and yet have believed." This guy was smiling Damian Stayne.
Attention! Warning! Crazy Love is still working! Not for one moment does not rest!
So much has happened over time, when I did not write that I do not know whether I will be able to catch up. I will start fresh. A few days ago we spent a charming popłudnie with my parents, who live in a village near the woods. The weather shone the sun, which I am very thirsty, and of which so little from us. He made a few pics cell. Oliver now has longer hair-according to me it looks just lovely wtakich longer. Casper also ventures.
Kacper Oliver went crazy with the grass. I must admit that my dad cares about your pot, which always makes an impression of freshly trimmed without gram of weed.
Besides we had the whole series of birthday: Julia started, then the favorite cousin Adrian, then had me, then Milo. Currently, close to my mother's birthday, then Johnny (as early as 30 May). In the meantime, we were on the First Holy Communion. my godson.
* Somewhere in the middle of all that took place on a retreat, which I wrote earlier. Holy time of repentance and prayer for many (about 780 people a trifle), which was for me a very difficult time. Briefly describe: the day just before the retreat of the Word of God we were Wandzin-Center for persons addicted to alcohol and drugs to HIV-we used prayer and singing during Mass. with a prayer for healing. There were no indications that this is already afternoon when rozkładalismy with the equipment in the Hall, which was held in August These great retreat from the Word of God, I lose my voice. For me personally it was a shock, because two days earlier in prayer have been thinking myself, what is most precious to me, from which it would give me the hardest. Well wydumałam that family and z. .. voice, which is the most praying, singing in a band. I remember that when Jesus said that everything he gave me, so I want everything as I can take it. There really is not mine-only data from Him. Frankly, I did not expect such a quick response. Well i took my voice. For me it was a blow indeed to the rest team as well. Throughout the three days of retreat could not extricate himself word-nothing. First, I was so sad that you still want me to cry-moreover, did not hesitate a cry in the corner of grief. But then it occurred to me that my Lord has done a great favor. He showed that He is Lord and without him it's just I can cluck, and in fact you even cluck I could not, because without him, I just do not exist. Everything is grace. My whole life depends on Boga.On gives and takes as his own. So spokorniałam little by the experience. Now I is all right with my voice, but I realize that this situation can only be temporary and do not have to get used to anything.

in this picture is the longitudinal Tom Janicki with Damian Stayne
Generally speaking-I do not complain at the continuing lack of free time. So much is happening every day, that there is no boredom. Time is like przymnaża. But it's probably doing "Head."
invite volunteers who would like to try crazy life of Jesus to us for a meeting with John Bashobora charismatic Catholic priest who arrives in time for the young and the elderly 25-27.07.2011 28-30.07.2011.
details are here - young people. >>>>>
details - adults >>>>>
Generally speaking-I do not complain at the continuing lack of free time. So much is happening every day, that there is no boredom. Time is like przymnaża. But it's probably doing "Head."
invite volunteers who would like to try crazy life of Jesus to us for a meeting with John Bashobora charismatic Catholic priest who arrives in time for the young and the elderly 25-27.07.2011 28-30.07.2011.
details are here - young people. >>>>>
details - adults >>>>>
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TTDKN to and it pours a very , went a mandatory cytology.
Well, in addition to abortive argument (if you can not for the good of society, deprived of subjectivity of women, why can children by enforcement of vaccination, hey, at most, depriving parents of fallen subjectivity, who in the name njuejdżowskiego gibberish expose their own and others' children in serious trouble, and no vaccine to prevent in a slightly different manner than research, but there is nothing to explain, idiots, and so they know their) little of this tumult is clear beyond pathetic insisting that it is not yet introduce mandatory harms of prostate research. Pathetic, after all, everyone knows that any mandatory testing for older men the prostate or testis (cancer statistics kernel is getting worse!) For men of all ages will never be because it would be a scandal and communism either, and even worse version of the culture of death.
As for the previous post and share SLD sham, yet look here, here ...
TTDKN to and it pours a very , went a mandatory cytology.
Well, in addition to abortive argument (if you can not for the good of society, deprived of subjectivity of women, why can children by enforcement of vaccination, hey, at most, depriving parents of fallen subjectivity, who in the name njuejdżowskiego gibberish expose their own and others' children in serious trouble, and no vaccine to prevent in a slightly different manner than research, but there is nothing to explain, idiots, and so they know their) little of this tumult is clear beyond pathetic insisting that it is not yet introduce mandatory harms of prostate research. Pathetic, after all, everyone knows that any mandatory testing for older men the prostate or testis (cancer statistics kernel is getting worse!) For men of all ages will never be because it would be a scandal and communism either, and even worse version of the culture of death.
As for the previous post and share SLD sham, yet look here, here ...
Evil always greater
OK, I admit, though I despise the SLD, and I see little difference between the SLD and the PO (if at all - it's probably even for the benefit of the OP), it is absolutely PIS wins in the ranking of the most rogue batch. In total, a truism. But I still do not understand how today, in the twenty-first century, one can allow buractwo such as, for example, Mrs Kemp:
I was pleased that the cited Shol Legierski not writhed like an eel, and just confessed that the adoption is on the horizon objectives.
Terlikowski reliable:
again buractwo:
OK, I admit, though I despise the SLD, and I see little difference between the SLD and the PO (if at all - it's probably even for the benefit of the OP), it is absolutely PIS wins in the ranking of the most rogue batch. In total, a truism. But I still do not understand how today, in the twenty-first century, one can allow buractwo such as, for example, Mrs Kemp:
Beata Kempa immediately tried to demonstrate the ignorance of the law drafters. To strengthen communication brought to study a copy of the Constitution of footnotes, a large book. - Article 18 says clearly, "marriage as a union of man and woman, family, motherhood and fatherhood are under the protection and care of the Polish Republic." And no matter what sexual orientation we have, the Constitution obliges us - she said. A hall has awarded her with applause. Kemp continued: - This is a straw man, counter debt beats, and we talk about things that today probably are not meaningful and do not know whether those persons affected by this law, may wish that this in discuss this mode. She pointed out that it is opening the way for adoption of children."unless they are of secondary importance"? This lady not very penetrating seriously argues that hysteria is something liberals important than legal bubli violate any sense of decency and civilized standards? Yes, certainly says so in earnest, eventually generating a representative of the mentality of the emotional, existential, and any other fulfillment posing an increasingly gargantuicznych statues of Jesus and sanctification in all quite accidental victims of air accidents. Of course, after all, is simply not enough bright, and the only great world as it is seen likely to Warsaw when viewed from a car window which commute to work. Perhaps because of this mental wieśniactwo to change this sad lady humiliating, more wild right match for any African country is not a particularly important issue.
I was pleased that the cited Shol Legierski not writhed like an eel, and just confessed that the adoption is on the horizon objectives.
Terlikowski reliable:
is a mass of studies which confirm this [harmfulness of homosexual parenthood].Why, oh why no one asked whether these results can be published in the same magazines as Prof. reflections. Giertych of the dinosaur-dragon, and the calculations of creationists to prove that he could be pushed with one hand with hundreds of thousands of species of animals on Noah's Ark?
again buractwo:
Lord gives an example of modern Europe, but why should we go in the direction of diminishing the role of the family? In a moment, children do not have mom and dad. Disappears model of a real family, we do not want to let that happen. At the heart of every child wants to have a mom and dad, please take this into account.In the heart of every child wants to have a rather healthy valves, atria and ventricle. At least the child is smart and not stupid and dull red beet.
Monday, May 23, 2011
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Information Of Bertazzoni Sto
Tree Of Life: Golden Palm at Cannes
Sobolewskiemu may be not like it, but the jury so . At least now rather sure there will be problems with distribution, even in Bolandii.
Sobolewskiemu may be not like it, but the jury so . At least now rather sure there will be problems with distribution, even in Bolandii.
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Moonlight Densetsu ('90 nostalgia)
I do not know about you, but for me these tracks evoke many memories. In truth, not necessarily from the 90s - I met some of the later, but still. What is at this hour plejliście? So corny things like about the X-Files or techno movie Mortal Kombat . But also Nirvana, Republic and Massive Attack . If you have time - I think you'll like it. It begins, of course, the song of Sailor Moon , but not as episodic, but a cover by giving a voice actress Sailor Mercury. In turn, if at the end of punching through Moby and Cher was really waiting for a powerful strike grief and hysteria O Jesus I'm old, everything is lost a true cult band.
I do not know about you, but for me these tracks evoke many memories. In truth, not necessarily from the 90s - I met some of the later, but still. What is at this hour plejliście? So corny things like about the X-Files or techno movie Mortal Kombat . But also Nirvana, Republic and Massive Attack . If you have time - I think you'll like it. It begins, of course, the song of Sailor Moon , but not as episodic, but a cover by giving a voice actress Sailor Mercury. In turn, if at the end of punching through Moby and Cher was really waiting for a powerful strike grief and hysteria O Jesus I'm old, everything is lost a true cult band.
Saturday, May 21, 2011
New New Jersey License Look Like
Death Monarch
I have just finished watching the last episode of last series of The Tudors . There was no sex in it, was less intrigue - instead of illness, old age, sorrow for the lost time and death. Moreover, it is characteristic of the entire season. As the whole series it had its drawbacks - for example, for a long time, "old age" was shown by the characterization limited to earn wealth more luxuriant beards and gray hair. Sometimes it was a little grotesque - the hair, we saw the same smooth, youthful faces, impeccable teeth and so on. It is generally frequent defect serials and films happening in the old days - the realities are played fairly superficial level, developers usually confine themselves to take care of clothes and decorations. Of course, not always the case - still fascinates me to take the approach Fragrancies , where you could see the sorry state of health of people in ancient times - pale, sick face, broken teeth, a shocker repelled as much as i was fascinated care in putting detail.
In the last episode is still a little halucynacyjnych wizji i towarzyszącego im kiczu, na czele z jeźdźcem na trupiobladym koniu:
Gdy wreszcie starość zaczęła się rysować na obliczu serialowego Henryka, grający go aktor - Jonathan Rhys Meyers począł przypominać mi Malcolma McDowella , ale może to tylko ja tak mam:
Oczywiście, cały ten serial to tylko przyjemna forma bardziej wyrafinowanej telenoweli. Historyczna adekwatność została złożona w ofierze na ołtarzy przystępności, zaś polityczna sexual intrigue gives way to fields fascination, romantic movies and personal tournaments. Yet, serial sparked my curiosity enough that I wanted to start reading. And I know that if in the end we learn that:
... what is really interesting is hidden in Annie Boleyn - person joining Henry VIII with his famous daughter Elizabeth I . But even if it comes to my appetite for writing about the reflections on this truly remarkable woman, in another note.
I have just finished watching the last episode of last series of The Tudors . There was no sex in it, was less intrigue - instead of illness, old age, sorrow for the lost time and death. Moreover, it is characteristic of the entire season. As the whole series it had its drawbacks - for example, for a long time, "old age" was shown by the characterization limited to earn wealth more luxuriant beards and gray hair. Sometimes it was a little grotesque - the hair, we saw the same smooth, youthful faces, impeccable teeth and so on. It is generally frequent defect serials and films happening in the old days - the realities are played fairly superficial level, developers usually confine themselves to take care of clothes and decorations. Of course, not always the case - still fascinates me to take the approach Fragrancies , where you could see the sorry state of health of people in ancient times - pale, sick face, broken teeth, a shocker repelled as much as i was fascinated care in putting detail.
In the last episode is still a little halucynacyjnych wizji i towarzyszącego im kiczu, na czele z jeźdźcem na trupiobladym koniu:
Gdy wreszcie starość zaczęła się rysować na obliczu serialowego Henryka, grający go aktor - Jonathan Rhys Meyers począł przypominać mi Malcolma McDowella , ale może to tylko ja tak mam:
Oczywiście, cały ten serial to tylko przyjemna forma bardziej wyrafinowanej telenoweli. Historyczna adekwatność została złożona w ofierze na ołtarzy przystępności, zaś polityczna sexual intrigue gives way to fields fascination, romantic movies and personal tournaments. Yet, serial sparked my curiosity enough that I wanted to start reading. And I know that if in the end we learn that:
... what is really interesting is hidden in Annie Boleyn - person joining Henry VIII with his famous daughter Elizabeth I . But even if it comes to my appetite for writing about the reflections on this truly remarkable woman, in another note.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Brazilian 25 Mississauga
Sin City
the director's version, in HD, so beauty is completely convincing picture:
Ok, I admit it - then I doubt I saw " size in most comics, too, and the cult. Indeed, some I like very much, but aside from such exceptions, the stories presented in this medium are at most good entertainment or slightly embarrassing resentment. The film seems to grasp it well - These existential, reflective monologues form ... Or maybe I'm just prejudiced? Regardless of this, the movie is really enjoyable.
the director's version, in HD, so beauty is completely convincing picture:
Ok, I admit it - then I doubt I saw " size in most comics, too, and the cult. Indeed, some I like very much, but aside from such exceptions, the stories presented in this medium are at most good entertainment or slightly embarrassing resentment. The film seems to grasp it well - These existential, reflective monologues form ... Or maybe I'm just prejudiced? Regardless of this, the movie is really enjoyable.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Moonlight Fever :inuyasha
Lady Gaga: Born This Way
on quickly: I could not hear in one fell swoop a whole. Too much misery in the form of quasi-ballads with the annoying (in a quasi-ballads), dance-splitting. Besides: Scheibe is a gem of nostalgia, is alive and removed from some technoskładanki 90s Others sometimes better, sometimes worse, but all in all, without revelation. It seems to me also that less than the previous ones. I'm not talking from the perspective of hejtera gags / fanboja madge_ach_ukradla_express_yourself.
I do not feel search for links, they look for se. Covers also I do not want to look. And unless I delete a record from the disk except Scheibe, because he pisses me off żenowy hype around something so zwyczajengo. Fe, yuck.
on quickly: I could not hear in one fell swoop a whole. Too much misery in the form of quasi-ballads with the annoying (in a quasi-ballads), dance-splitting. Besides: Scheibe is a gem of nostalgia, is alive and removed from some technoskładanki 90s Others sometimes better, sometimes worse, but all in all, without revelation. It seems to me also that less than the previous ones. I'm not talking from the perspective of hejtera gags / fanboja madge_ach_ukradla_express_yourself.
I do not feel search for links, they look for se. Covers also I do not want to look. And unless I delete a record from the disk except Scheibe, because he pisses me off żenowy hype around something so zwyczajengo. Fe, yuck.
Wella Koleston Perfect 10/3
City Cat
place where you lose yourself university associated with the army, am caught up in bizarre forms of thinking the present Polish MPs: - Club SLD will vote against the presidential wetu, although some of the comments I agree with the president - said, "Gazeta" Chairman of the National Defence Stanislaw Wziątek (SLD). In his view, the problems of military education can not be solved by blocking the formation of a new university. Wziątek recalls that the work on establishing an Academy is already well advanced and the adoption of the veto only cause trouble. Yeah. Everyone knows that if the investment generates a loss, then this more sorry for her since it seemed to stop at her so much money. It is better to wade in the next ... And again: Another
PO politicians said unofficially: - The president chose a terrible moment for the veto. Apart from the substantive issues, the establishment of the Academy have already been presented as a success for members from the region. It is difficult to destroy before the elections themselves for what they could boast to the voters.
That is: we do trash, but that presented him as a success ...
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Cruise Themes For School
It moves? Karma
Traveling down this road I think I'll follow the sun
Is not everyone just
Traveling Down Their Own Road
I think I'll follow my heart
It's a very good place to start
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