Attention! Warning! Crazy Love is still working! Not for one moment does not rest!
So much has happened over time, when I did not write that I do not know whether I will be able to catch up. I will start fresh. A few days ago we spent a charming popłudnie with my parents, who live in a village near the woods. The weather shone the sun, which I am very thirsty, and of which so little from us. He made a few pics cell. Oliver now has longer hair-according to me it looks just lovely wtakich longer. Casper also ventures.
Kacper Oliver went crazy with the grass. I must admit that my dad cares about your pot, which always makes an impression of freshly trimmed without gram of weed.
Besides we had the whole series of birthday: Julia started, then the favorite cousin Adrian, then had me, then Milo. Currently, close to my mother's birthday, then Johnny (as early as 30 May). In the meantime, we were on the First Holy Communion. my godson.
* Somewhere in the middle of all that took place on a retreat, which I wrote earlier. Holy time of repentance and prayer for many (about 780 people a trifle), which was for me a very difficult time. Briefly describe: the day just before the retreat of the Word of God we were Wandzin-Center for persons addicted to alcohol and drugs to HIV-we used prayer and singing during Mass. with a prayer for healing. There were no indications that this is already afternoon when rozkładalismy with the equipment in the Hall, which was held in August These great retreat from the Word of God, I lose my voice. For me personally it was a shock, because two days earlier in prayer have been thinking myself, what is most precious to me, from which it would give me the hardest. Well wydumałam that family and z. .. voice, which is the most praying, singing in a band. I remember that when Jesus said that everything he gave me, so I want everything as I can take it. There really is not mine-only data from Him. Frankly, I did not expect such a quick response. Well i took my voice. For me it was a blow indeed to the rest team as well. Throughout the three days of retreat could not extricate himself word-nothing. First, I was so sad that you still want me to cry-moreover, did not hesitate a cry in the corner of grief. But then it occurred to me that my Lord has done a great favor. He showed that He is Lord and without him it's just I can cluck, and in fact you even cluck I could not, because without him, I just do not exist. Everything is grace. My whole life depends on Boga.On gives and takes as his own. So spokorniałam little by the experience. Now I is all right with my voice, but I realize that this situation can only be temporary and do not have to get used to anything.

in this picture is the longitudinal Tom Janicki with Damian Stayne
Generally speaking-I do not complain at the continuing lack of free time. So much is happening every day, that there is no boredom. Time is like przymnaża. But it's probably doing "Head."
invite volunteers who would like to try crazy life of Jesus to us for a meeting with John Bashobora charismatic Catholic priest who arrives in time for the young and the elderly 25-27.07.2011 28-30.07.2011.
details are here - young people. >>>>>
details - adults >>>>>
Generally speaking-I do not complain at the continuing lack of free time. So much is happening every day, that there is no boredom. Time is like przymnaża. But it's probably doing "Head."
invite volunteers who would like to try crazy life of Jesus to us for a meeting with John Bashobora charismatic Catholic priest who arrives in time for the young and the elderly 25-27.07.2011 28-30.07.2011.
details are here - young people. >>>>>
details - adults >>>>>
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