to that, unfortunately, in blissful idleness holidays will not be given to me, because the correction exam which I passed is not the first day of new semester. I decided to relax, "choose" to Tanzania with Beata Pawlikowska.
National Geographic series "Blonde century." This small 100 - page book, full of beautiful pictures and short tales of a trip to Tanzania, Tibet, Brazil, and soon will be published diaries from Peru, Sri Lanka, India, Mexico, Cambodia and the Amazon.
readings is not too much - just hours, but after a full two weeks of this experience the best that we can serve a ball - pictures of various animals (other than elephants and lions also saw Koby, hornbills and impalas, whose existence had not previously had no idea), and picturesque descriptions of nature.
Did you know that the most dangerous animal is a hippopotamus savannah? This cute pet, which itself lies at the zoo can capsize a boat with people and tear their claws in pieces.
recommend this series. It is nicely delivered in the form of small booklets in the price of 12.99, and crowded MPK quickly moves into a different world. Because "Africa is a peaceful persistence. Eternal natural life cycle that takes place without reference to the calendar, or alarm clocks.
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