Foundation Children's Fantasy had established back to us!
On Friday we had Guest-Mr Eliza came to the Children's Fantasy Foundation. Arrival v. Eliza was connected with the fact that Oliver got his dream furniture in the room. Still waiting on the bed in the form of racer, which soon will reach. Mrs. Eliza had brought gifts for the whole of my brigade. Everyone was happy. Mesh with the logo of the Foundation, raised the overall interest of the residents, because they are given gifts. To the joy was full, it's still summer! Unexpectedly przesympatyczne us two ladies: Ola and Iwona from Gdansk and were importing all the bust of toys. I was back in genuine shock, because this final meet Oliver dreams no one probably did not expect. Even the lady from the Gazeta Pomorska was stunned ... Oliver went to sleep with the drill, which is now his favorite toy. We already have everything in the house repaired, he walked up and repair the toilet bowl. He sleeps with a little lamb, which he received from the Foundation for Children's Fantasy. Joy was at niemiara. The furniture is lovely. Toys pleasure that all five kids, not only Oliver, twisted together a telescope, drew up the track and car wash, except that the puzzles were hit and pads in the trunk ... Moreover, what I'm here to talk a lot-see for yourself ...
More photos from Oliver is the fulfillment of dreams in the gallery below to view it, click on the image.
Ps. Once again, heartfelt thanks on behalf of Oliver and my kids for such a wonderful gifts. All donors, sponsors and people who like to cause a smile on the faces of children, particularly those who have contributed to the fulfillment of dreams Oliver, a Children's Fantasy Foundation from Warsaw and the ladies: Oli and Iwonce who themselves wanted to buy it gifts. This is a great good that will come back good. Refer to the Foundation may be any terminally ill child. I encourage you to dreams that come true!
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