Friday, May 27, 2011

How Do Canoes Work With Buoyancy

teacher from the orphanage: Rule No. 1 - here the child is not counted in the grass sunbathing

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- Psychological violence consists of" I'll prove who has the power here. " On the abuse. On the breach of privacy. The facility is easy. Children's homes are holding their greatest treasures in their beds. Under the guise of moving is getting kipisz child in bed, without his consent and knowledge. He comes back and is no longer his corner, beds, their treasures. It generally does not count in this situation - says Michael, a teacher in an orphanage.

After the publication of a moving conversation with Andrew, a graduate of homes, reported to us, Michael, two years working in an orphanage in Pomerania. He decided to tell how it looks from his perspective, institutional upbringing.

Anna Wacławik-Orpik: What happens to a child who goes to an orphanage?

Michael, 32, a teacher in an orphanage in Pomerania: - This is horrible altered sense of security. Sometimes a child wails in the night, soaked, crying mother. It is frightened by noise, so many new people at once. Children often run away from touch, the contact from any interactions. There are those who say simply, "I have you in the ass", are aggressive or very depressed. Other early easily fall within the peer group. A child playing, thinking it was such colonies. Only after a while begins to him that anyone close to here there is a colony does not end. There are also children who desperately need a contact, they want to cuddle.
But the worst, as children do not come home, but emergency care. It's a disaster.

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